Hi there! Kimberly from A Night Owl here, and I don’t know about you, but we’re ready for spring and summer outdoors! So today we’re sharing a fun DIY Outdoor Pallet Bar that will have you sharing and sipping your favorite refreshing drinks from the comfort of your backyard or patio in no time.
Are you a fan of pallet projects? I am! I always have a few on hand just in case I have another pallet project idea. And I just love this project for the warmer months. Just a couple of similar sized pallets and you’re well on your way to a simple bar setup. We grabbed what we needed from our local True Value to get things started…
What you’ll need:
- 2 same-sized pallets
- Plywood cut to 48”x11” or 2 at 24”x11” (as shown)
- 4 pavers (up to 12”x12”)
- Mending plates
- Rustoleum white spray paint
- Polyurethane glue
- 1” wood screws
- Power Drill
First, you’re going to want to arrange your pallets so that they are even on most sides. No two pallets are exactly alike, but try to match them up so that your top surface is even and the two pallets together are sturdy. Then you will want to bind the two pallets together with wood screws and mending plates.

Once your mending plates are in place, arrange your plywood on top of the pallets so that they are even and have a similar sized overhang on both sides. Secure your plywood to the top of the pallets with your wood screws. This ensures a proper, smooth surface for your paver top. Once your plywood is in place, it’s time for some paint! I chose a simple Rustoleum white paint and used a full can for the coverage I was looking for. You can still see the wood, but I like the whitewashed look of the pallets after painting.

Once the paint is dry, add a strong multi-surface glue, such as Titebond Wood Glue, to the top of your plywood. Arrange your pavers on top of the plywood until you’re happy with the result. And voila! In just a few steps and a great afternoon project, you have your very own DIY Outdoor Pallet Bar!

Your new bar is perfect for holding refreshing beverages for an afternoon outdoors or your next get together.

Pour yourself a glass of lemonade, relax and enjoy your time outdoors!